Our Vision

The vision for our church is shaped by the character and heart of God which is supremely one of grace.
In Christ, God reaches out to us and we seek to do the same: to welcome the lost and the lonely into fellowship with a warmth of hospitality born in our hearts by the love of God.
We love because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
Dave Dobbyn describes it in his song “Welcome Home”
As God draws near to us, we become aware of our desperate need of his redeeming holiness. His truth revealed in the bible exposes the frailties and deceptions of our lives but in the Cross of Christ we experience God’s forgiveness and healing riches.
We seek to align our lives with His word.
Jesus said: Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. (John 17:17)
Third Day’s “King of Glory” describes what Biblical truth reveals
As we open ourselves to God in Christ, his Holy Spirit begins to change our lives.
We welcome this new life that brings freedom and wholeness.
We invite you to join us in this journey of prayer and discipleship, being transformed into the likeness of Jesus.
Brooke Fraser beautifully describes our prayer in “Hymn”
Finally we realise that this great treasure and gift that God has given to us in the gospel is not to be kept to ourselves.
We join Christ in his mission to redeem a broken lost world. We do this on our doorstep in Fernhill, across the city of Dunedin and to the ends of the earth.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19)
Jules Riding reminds and invites us in “Go You”