What We Do

Our Ministries

Sunday Morning

This is our family church service and caters for all ages, it usually runs for around an hour and a half.

We have two types of morning service:

  • on the first and third Sundays of the month, we have a Communion Service
  • on the second, fourth and fifth Sundays of the month, we have a Worship Service

During this service, Children’s’ Ministry runs for kids aged between 3 and 12 years, in the Hope Centre just across from the main church building. Within the main church building we have a room set aside for parents and younger children, so they can still hear and see the service without feeling self-conscious about disturbing others.

Each week we offer prayer ministry and encourage people to share a cup of tea or coffee in the Hope Centre.

Music Ministry

Music ministry at St Matthew’s is in the joint hands of Bob Hyslop, Pete Masters and Megan Marshall who play for the Sunday services. We are always on the lookout for new talent, so if you want to be involved, they would be keen to hear from you.


On the first Sunday of each month, at 5.30 pm we have a congregation largely from our immediate neighbourhood.

We eat a meal together, engage in prayer for one another, sing and listen to a short message and have fellowship. We have a care and share table, where unwanted produce or goods can be offered to those who could use them.  A number of people come for one to one ministry for many different needs.

Over the past year a number of people have come to know Jesus for the first time, others have been healed, physically and emotionally and many encouraged in their faith. 


You may not even be aware of it, but there is a network of people within the church praying for all aspects of our church and the wider community. It’s a comforting thing to know that when we are experiencing hard times, there are people that love us praying for us. We believe that regular prayer is a key to church health and growth.

We have a regular monthly prayer meeting by Zoom from 8 to 9am on the first Saturday of every month. An invitation to the meeting is sent out to everyone on the parish email list – you can get on this by contacting Mona at the office.

We also pray together at the same time every Monday and Friday morning wherever we are. You can find the resource for this here.

Prayer is also part of the small group ministry at St Matthew’s, and is offered at the end of each Sunday service.

Men's Ministry

Men’s ministry is a significant part of St Matthew’s life. Our men’s group meets every Monday night at 7:30pm in the Hope Centre, and is also attended by men from other congregations.

Children's Ministry

Children’s ministry is a vital part of church life at St Matthew’s. We run a children’s programme in conjunction with the Sunday services in the Hope Centre and can cater for children from pre-school to year 8.

Gaye Lester is the contact for our Children’s ministry.